

So, I love The Vampire Diaries, and am frustrated that my tv can’t hear me when I shout at or compliment it. This blog (my very first!) is my way of sending my thoughts into a (hypothetically) more receptive void.

I’m not going to focus on the actors and their lives, nor the media coverage that the show receives. It’s interesting information but that’s not what this site is about. Rather, my intention is to focus on the show itself.  As the title says, this blog is about the bloody details.  Who’s the villain, hero et. al. of each episode?  What are the cutest outfits, best quotes, or best place to pause your dvd to see beautiful shirtless men (and sometimes women)?

My plan now is to have every entry of the blog fall into one of three categories:  Roundups, My Thoughts, and Show At Large.  The Roundups category is about the bloody details.  It itemizes the winning (and losing) aspects of each episode.  There will be one entry for every episode.  The My Thoughts category (and yes, I realize that every word in the blog is actually my thoughts, smartass 😉 ) is more of a free writing exercise.  Without worrying about rankings or details, I write my general thoughts on each episode.  It’s not meant to be all-encompassing, and while there’s some summarizing they’re not meant to be summaries.  Just my thoughts as a critical fan, not as a critic.  The Show At Large category only gets filled in when the mood strikes me.  These entries are on wider issues of the show that may span multiple episodes, or be an aspect of an episode that requires lengthier commentary than belongs in the other two categories.  I’m writing this blog episode by episode from the beginning, but I have seen the three seasons so far produced, so I may reach ahead or out of order to make my points.  In view of that, SPOILERS in this category.  Basically, this is meant to cover issues like race or consent, violence, ships, historical context and so forth, as well as spotlights on various characters or plotlines.

I hope you enjoy my blog!

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